Author: WALEED

  • Giant Asian Mantis – Life Cycle, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Giant Asian Mantis – Life Cycle, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The Giant Asian mantis (Hierodula miraanacea) is a large praying mantis. It is also one of the most important species in the genus Hierodula. Its colors range from green and yellow-green to brown and reddish-brown to resemble the giant Indian mantis, as well as the giant Malaysian mantis. Interesting Giant Asian Mantis Facts Its name…

  • Spiny Flower Mantis – Diet, Behavior, Breeding, Feeding

    Spiny Flower Mantis – Diet, Behavior, Breeding, Feeding

    The Spiny Flower Mantis is a similar species to Indian Flower Mantids. Psuedocreobotra wahlbergii refers to the Spiny flower mantis. Perhaps their unique coloration and body decoration is what makes them so popular. They are African-bred and popular as house pets. Spiny Flower Mantis Interesting Facts What does the Spiny Flower Mantis appear like? This…

  • Can a Praying Mantis Kill a Hummingbird?

    Can a Praying Mantis Kill a Hummingbird?

    Praying mantises are amazing creatures. They are predatory bug-like insects closely related to crickets, grasshoppers, cockroaches, and grasshoppers. They will catch any prey they can. They will lie motionless, allowing certain prey to cross into the range of their reach. They will grab prey with their forearms. These are often folded so that it looks…

  • Devil’s Flower Mantis – Diet, Description, Anatomy, Predatory Behavior

    Devil’s Flower Mantis – Diet, Description, Anatomy, Predatory Behavior

    Idolomantis refers to a genus that includes praying mantises of the family Empusidae. It is represented by one species, Idolomantis Diabolica. Also known as the giant devil’s flower mantis, the devil’s flower mantis is likely to be the largest praying mantis and the one that mimics flowers. Devil’s Flower Mantis Fact Sheet Description The large…

  • Are Praying Mantis Endangered? – Mantis Conservation Status

    Are Praying Mantis Endangered? – Mantis Conservation Status

    Praying mantises are not endangered they never were. Some people have long assumed that mantises are not only endangered—they’re also protected by federal or local laws and that it’s illegal to kill one in the wild. However, belief such as this doesn’t seem to stand to any logical explanation for the mantises are not even…

  • Praying Mantis Life Cycle – Facts, Diagram, Stages, Video

    Praying Mantis Life Cycle – Facts, Diagram, Stages, Video

    The life cycle of just about every insect begins with the egg stage and ends in adulthood. There are four life stages in an insect’s life cycle. If it completes all four stages of a life cycle the individual species is said to complete a metamorphosis stage. However, not every species undergoes a complete metamorphosis.…