The Giant Asian mantis (Hierodula miraanacea) is a large praying mantis. It is also one of the most important species in the genus Hierodula. Its colors range from green and yellow-green to brown and reddish-brown to resemble the giant Indian mantis, as well as the giant Malaysian mantis.
Interesting Giant Asian Mantis Facts
Its name refers to its origin from South-eastern Asia. It is one of the largest mantises. Female adults are approximately 7-9cm (2.8-3.5in) in length, with extended forelegs. It is a cannibalistic animal, with the females sometimes eating the men after mating.
What Does the Giant Asian Mantis Look like? – Appearance
The Asian giant mantis (or giant Asian mantis) is a mantis with a huge body measuring between 3 and 4 inches.
Males are usually smaller than females and typically slimmer than heavier females. Their wings are also shorter than the wings of females who have wings that are much longer than their abdomens.
While the giant Asian mantis is mostly green, there are also brown and yellow varieties. They can quickly change their colors, usually in just a few days. This may be due to environmental changes.
Giant Praying Mantis Habitat
Hierodula spp. lives in tree and shrub areas. It thrives in humid, hot climates where temperatures range from 22 to 30 degrees Celsius (72 to 86 degrees F) with humidity levels between 60% and 70%.
What Does a Giant Praying Mantis eat?
H. membranacea cannibalistic like all other mantis types, and is believed to increase female fecundity. These massive insects can also take on highly predatory species of hornets, such as the Asian Giant.
The Asian giant mantis has a reputation for taking on large prey. It is one the few predators that can kill the fearsome Asian hornet. These are some of the most popular prey choices for giant Asian mantises captured captive:
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When giant Asian mantises hatch out of the ootheca, they are very tiny and will happily eat fruit fly larvae.
While crickets are an acceptable food source for mantis life stages, they are not the best. Because the Asian giant mantis is very aggressive, crickets are unlikely to attack it. You must ensure that your mantis is well-cared for. Crickets can be quite aggressive so it is important to keep them away from the water. Also, don’t give your mantis crickets to a pet shop. It is best to breed them yourself as they can carry dangerous bacteria or viruses that could kill your mantis.
Flies flies are far more reliable than crickets. Flies can either be purchased online or grown by you. They can be tricky to control as they are easily escaped and difficult to catch.
Mantises should be careful not to feed them large amounts of mealwormbeetle larvae. They may block the mantis’s digestive system and are high in fat.
Giant Asian mantises can consume tiny pinky mouse when fully grown. This is dangerous and unnatural. Your giant Asian mantis should not be fed any other vertebrate.
As with all arthropods, Mantises have an exoskeleton, a hard shell. This exoskeleton is molted by Mantises as they grow. Once they reach adult size, molting will no longer be necessary. H. membranacea is vulnerable and will not eat during the molting process.
Giant mantis Hierodula mémbranacea is able to reproduce sexually, although it has very limited parthenogenesis ability. Six abdominal segments can distinguish a female from a male, while males have 8. She also has a larger abdomen.
To increase fertility, the female may try to eat the man after mating. This can lead to some difficulties. Over her life, an adult female will lay many eggs (called oothecae). After six to eight week, 150 nymphs will hatch from each of these egg cases.
After mating, the female begins to produce egg sacs known as oothecae. These eggs will give birth each to approximately 200 mantises. Mantises as young as one year old are very small and won’t eat food for many hours or days after hatching. Don’t worry if you don’t wish to care for hundreds upon thousands of baby mantises.
This mantis can jump up to twice its length. While adults can fly, some females are sometimes able to fly. If it is caught by predators, the mantis will make a threat display. This involves raising its front with its wings spread out and forelegs extended and opening its mouth. If a predator does not see the threat display, the mantis may strike with its forelegs to bite. Mantises aren’t venomous but such a large species may make a strong defensive attack. This can inflict pain on the skin and cause injury.

Are Giant Asian Mantises a Good Pet Choice?
The giant Asian mantis is not a fussy species and can be kept in any location that receives a lot of traffic. They do not like vibration or noise, and they don’t find contact with humans stressful. It is important that your mantis enclosure be kept out of direct sunlight to avoid overheating. Mantises should also be protected from mold, cold drafts and excess humidity.
Type of enclosure
The enclosure should be large enough that the Asian mantis can fit in it. Mantises need plenty of space in order to be able to hang vertically for molting. You should give your mantis at least three times its length so that they can molt safely.
The mantis of the giant Asian mantis will need at least 9inches of space between the substrate’s top and the area where it can hang. The netcage provides great ventilation and numerous climbing opportunities, making it one of the best options for keeping this species of mantis. The mantis can hang from the top of a glass enclosure with a mesh lid. You will need to monitor humidity levels to avoid potential health issues if you use a glass tray.
Giant Asian mantises prefer tropical forests as they feel most at home in the greenery. Mantises are fond of thick plant covers and can live with both artificial and living plants. To allow mantises to hang upside-down, sticks or wood can be used. To prevent injury, decorations should not be sharp or pointed. Also, it is important that your enclosure has smooth sides so your mantis can reach the mesh. For your mantis’s molting, you can insert a stick into the enclosure’s upper corner. This can be secured with silicone caulking, or a clip.
The giant Asian mantis will tolerate many substrates, as long as it is absorbent and can regulate humidity. This species will absorb excess water if the substrate is dry.
- Paper towels are a good option if you have a limited budget. They should be changed regularly and soiled quickly.
- Coconut coir: It is both sterile, and it works well for moisture regulation. It’s also very affordable.
- Soil should be sterilized in the oven or microwave before use. Organic soil is best to avoid pesticides. This is a great option if you have living plants.
- Bark: If you are struggling with high humidity, bark can help. Bark is absorbent, attractive, safe and secure.
Most Hierodula species, including giant Asian mantises, need to be kept at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. A heat mat can be attached to the tank. It should cover no more than half of its floor. This will allow the mantis freedom to move around between the warm and cool parts of the enclosure. A thermometer is an excellent way to monitor the temperature. This will help you avoid large temperature swings that could weaken your mantis or make them more vulnerable to diseases.
Humidity & Ventilation
High humidity can cause death and illness in the giant Asian mantis. The humidity level for giant Asian mantis is between 40-55%. A humidity level too low can lead to death and serious molting problems. Mantises are more vulnerable to fungal and bacterial infections if it is high.
Keep a hygrometer inside your mantis enclosure. This will allow you to check the humidity level. Humidity can be raised by misting your mantises regularly, preferably every day. Also, keep a shallow dish with gravel and water in your tank. Mantises are unable to drink water from the water droplets of leaves. Increase the ventilation in your mantis enclosure and use an absorbent substrate to lower humidity. This will help protect your mantis against highs and lows of moisture.
How Much Should I Feed My Giant Asian Mantis?
You don’t have to feed your adult mantis every day. Your mantis can be fed every 2-3 days as long as it is well-fed and healthy. If you are feeding flies or mantises, you can either hand feed them or use forceps to feed them. To help them grow, small prey items should be given to young mantises.
Giant Asian Mantis Longevity
The giant Asian preying moth is a long-lived mantis. In fact, some individuals may live as much as 2 years from egg (death) to senescence (embryo). Many older mantises will show signs of age such as weakness, lethargy, mobility problems, vision issues, and lethargy.
If your mantis has been severely injured or ill, it may be more humane for you to put it down. Hobbyists can euthanize insects by using the freezer. This will reduce your mantis’s activity to a very slow pace and eventually lead to death.
Why Do they Die in Captivity? – Causes of Death in Enclosure
Molting problems could quickly lead to death for your mantis. Misting your mantis is essential. You should mist your mantis’ enclosure more often when it is going through a molt. You can use tweezers if your mantis is having a bad molt to remove the exoskeleton.
Overfeeding the giant Asian mamtis can lead to aggression. It is not necessary to feed your mantis daily. You should also not give prey items that exceed 30% of the mantis’s body length. You should not feed your mantis if it has a swollen and round abdomen.
Bacterial & Viral Disease
There are many bacteria and viruses that could cause problems for your mantis. Many of these viruses are transmitted through prey insects. This is why it is best for your mantis to breed its own feeder insects. Other conditions can result from poor hygiene. Keep your enclosure clean and dry.
Fungus & Mold
The fungal disease that can affect giant Asian mantis fish is caused by high humidity and mold growth. Fungal infections are often fatal and can lead to death. Fungi thrive in low humidity, low ventilation, and unhygienic settings. In the right conditions, substrate and frass can easily mold. If you suspect that your mantis is suffering from fungal infections, it is important to immediately improve the ventilation. It is important to keep it warm. You can also feed your mantis with an eyedropper. Even though Mantises are able to recover, it doesn’t happen very often.
Young mantises are thought to recover missing antennae as well as limbs. A younger mantis that is missing a part of its limb will usually regenerate it in a single molt. Adult mantises have completed molting and cannot regenerate any of their limbs. However they can adapt to the loss of a particular limb quite well. A mantis may require assistance feeding if it has lost a raptorial frontal limb. Small prey will still be available to mantises that have one raptorial forelimb.
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