Category: Facts

  • Are Praying Mantis Endangered? – Mantis Conservation Status

    Are Praying Mantis Endangered? – Mantis Conservation Status

    Praying mantises are not endangered they never were. Some people have long assumed that mantises are not only endangered—they’re also protected by federal or local laws and that it’s illegal to kill one in the wild. However, belief such as this doesn’t seem to stand to any logical explanation for the mantises are not even…

  • Praying Mantis Fun Facts – 10 Mantis Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

    Praying Mantis Fun Facts – 10 Mantis Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

    However bizarre or intimidating they may appear to be, praying mantises have long intrigued scientists not only for their amazing camouflaging ability but also for their uncanny ability to control the spin of their body. Worldwide, there are around 2,400 species of a mantis—ranging in size from as small as a human nail to as…

  • Orchid Mantis – Facts and Complete Information about Orchid Praying Mantis

    Orchid Mantis – Facts and Complete Information about Orchid Praying Mantis

    The orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) is a flower-like mantis which is largely found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. The Hymenopus bicornis is another scientific name for orchid praying mantis. People usually call them by different names precisely due to their uncanny physical appearance. Pink mantis and walking flower mantis are some of the…

  • Praying Mantis Meaning – What does it Mean to See a Praying Mantis?

    Praying Mantis Meaning – What does it Mean to See a Praying Mantis?

    Praying mantis is probably the only insect that has long been admired for its unorthodox disposition, praying-like posture, and non-human spiritual habits. That’s right non-human spiritual habits. It may seem bizarre to most of you but for some people the praying mantis is more than just a jumping insect. People usually thought of praying mantises…

  • Carolina Mantis – Carolina Praying Mantis Facts & Information

    Carolina Mantis – Carolina Praying Mantis Facts & Information

    The caroline mantis (Stagmomantis carolina) or a caroline praying mantis is state insect of South Carolina. The mantis is primarily found in the North America including Illinois, Missouri, Arizona, New Jersey, Utah to as far as south as Mexico. As is typical of a mantis only males can fly. They often come around street lights…

  • What Eats Praying Mantis? – Praying Mantis Predators

    What Eats Praying Mantis? – Praying Mantis Predators

    Although the praying mantis is one of the most formidable predators itself it does have quite many predators in the wild. Many invertebrates including birds, small reptiles, and some arthropods likely prey on mantis although the latter does possess some antipredator adaptations. This article is all about praying mantis predators and how they possibly respond…